Second Ozzy Ox book now out of the gate!
Moody Morning—could describe today for me. We’ve had a whirlwind couple of weeks and it’s tempting to sit back and try to get a grip. But the excitement of releasing our second children's picture book in the Ozzy Ox series is energizing. Illustrator Emily Hagen and I have SO been looking forward to sharing Ozzy Ox: Moody Morning.

When I first shared the manuscript with my critique group, they responded, “that’s a great story, but how are you going to illustrate THAT?” NEVER FEAR. Emily knocked it out of the park. The expressions on Ozzy and the many characters in this book are priceless. She has done her best work and I am so proud of this book! Not only is it a lot of fun, but it packs a message that every family will want to share with their children: that their WORDS and friendships MATTER! Ozzy Ox: Moody Morning is now available in paperback (discounted to $7.99 now through the end of September), hard copy and Ebook at this link. And beginning Monday, Sept. 18 through Friday, Sept. 22, YOU CAN DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK FOR FREE!
All we ask in return is an Amazon review. As in all books released on Amazon, it is the REVIEWS that determine the life of the book. So please take a minute - go to this LINK when you can!
